Council Members

The Parish Council is made up of elected volunteers who give up their own time in order to improve Husthwaite Village life. The Parish Council are committed to enhancing all areas of the parish for all members of the community.

Bi-monthly Parish Council meetings are held on the 2nd or 3rd Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November. The agenda is published in the Parish Council noticeboard three clear days prior to the meeting. All meetings are held in Husthwaite Village Hall and start at 7.00pm

You can contact the PC at:

Your Councillors

Carol Fenwick

Carol Fenwick: Council Chair.

I was born and raised in Husthwaite, as was my husband Rick. We live at Inglenook and brought up our three children, Lisa-Marie, Michelle and Alex here.

I was employed as a clerical supervisor and budget manager at RAF Linton-on-Ouse for 38 years before being made redundant in 2023 and I am now a Clerical Officer at York District Hospital. I have always enjoyed being involved in community projects and for over 30 years did regular voluntary work in a local charity shop.

I joined the Parish Council in May 1999, following in my father’s footsteps, and have been Chair for a number of years. I represent the Parish Council as a trustee on the Constance Elizabeth Beckwith Trust and, in addition, I am responsible for cemetery plots, the public access defibrillator, recreation area inspections, streetlights and Neighbourhood Watch.
Tel: 01347 868 479


Elaine Smith Elaine Smith: Vice-Chair.

I came to live in Husthwaite in 1979 the year after David and I were married. His family have farmed at Baxby for four generations;  our son has grown up here and our grandchildren attend the village school. I first became a member of the parish council in 1992 and was for 3 years in the Chair.
We treasure our home, the farm and its surroundings, but particularly appreciate living and working in a community where people support each other, and where neighbourliness still survives. I see the imposition of urban values and greater control ‘from a distance’ as the greatest threats to many of the things we in Husthwaite value. I believe that we on the Parish Council, can promote the principal of ‘government from the bottom up’, and ensure that the views of the people we represent are heard.
Tel: 01347 868 572   mobile: 07773856473

Julia Hampshire.

I moved to Husthwaite with my husband Paul in November 2019. We have one daughter, Lucy and a dog named Mij. We were immediately struck by the friendliness and the caring community spirit that is Husthwaite.
I work in higher education support in York and I have spent over 25 years working in the education sector. I have joined the Parish Council so as to give something back to the community that has made us so welcome and I look forward to serving and supporting the village.
Tel: 01347

anonCraig Colton

I am married to Lynn, have 3 children Rob, Rebecca, and Alex, along with a dog Rocky. We moved into Husthwaite July 2013, from Southampton.  I work in Finance & Insurance as a consultant focussed on Equity Release Mortgage funding.  As a family we like sport and like to be involved with village life.   I support Leeds United and along with my two boys we are season ticket holders and go to all home games.  Hopefully as a member of the Parish Council I will be able to help and support the village.
Tel: 01347 868092

anonSarah Aspinall

My husband, David, and I moved to Husthwaite from London in 1998. I previously worked as a commercial solicitor and I am now Deputy Head of the Law School at University of York. Both our daughters went to the village school and I was a member of the Friends of Husthwaite School for a number of years which is how I first became actively involved in the community. I was also a part of the large team which secured the lottery funding for our redeveloped Village Hall.

I am a member of the South Hambleton Shale Gas Advisory Group which advises local parish councils on fracking and I also helped set up the informal action group of concerned residents seeking to protect the beautiful rural setting of our village which is the main reason we  moved here.

I  joined the Parish Council for a number of reasons. I felt I had taken for granted the huge amount of work done by the Council and it was important to seek to share that load given the rising number of challenges faced by our community. It is also an important time for the residents of Hambleton in particular to step up and take action in their local area given the move to the huge unitary North Yorkshire  Council.  I have a particular interest in planning matters and am currently leading on the development of the Husthwaite Neighbourhood Plan.