The Orchard Village Club

Come along To Husthwaite Village Hall and join us for a thoroughly social lunch, consisting of main course and pudding, during which our members enjoy the food and a good old chat! Members also contribute prizes to the raffle!

The club is usually run on the second Tuesday of the month from 12 till 2pm, but please check dates in the Newsletter first.

The food is prepared by a small team of fabulous volunteers. We also have a fish and chip treat once in a while, possibly an outing to a local garden centre, a picnic treat in one of the local gardens and a Christmas pub lunch!

The cost of lunch at the hall is £5 for both courses. We are often lucky to receive donations which allow us to keep the cost of treats and trips to a minimum too.

The Orchard Village Club welcomes new members but please contact Lynn on 07810 263346 for further details, prior to attending.

orchard club meeting